Microworkes is the site from where people can earn money by doing simple jobs. Microworkers help people to earn money and give employment opportunity to all people. The qualification to do jobs in microworkers is just simple computer education, good typing and must understand English language. People will be able to do many jobs daily and earn money according to jobs types and time separated for microworkers. Their are many types of jobs available on microworkers. People can earn money by doing facebook, twitter, google plus and many more jobs on microworkers. Microworkers give opportunity to people to earn money from facebook, twitter and other social networking site.
First of all, people have to click on above banner or have to www.microworkers.com Then, people have to register on this site by clicking on register button available on the site. After clicking on register button a form will appear the people have to fill up the form with correct information. After registering on this site, people will get verification e-mail on your e-mail address. Then people will have to go to their e-mail address then their people will get a mail from microworkers team. People will have to open the e-mail and have click on the link available on the mail. People will be able to login to the site only after confirming the mail which people will get on their e-mail address. If people don't get mail on inbox then go to spam box on e-mail. In spam box people will get their mail if they don't get on inbox. After that people will be able to login to the microworkers site and will be able to do the job.
People must be careful while doing jobs on microworkers because after doing twenty works on microworkers if your success percentage go below 75% then you will not be able to do jobs for some days until the success percentage reach to 75% so people must be careful while doing work.
People will get hints to do jobs on microworkers which makes easy to do jobs on microworkers. People should be careful and must not do the job which people think that they can’t do. If your job is rated wrong then your success percentage will decrease. The jobs which people have completed will be rated with in 7days. That means people will get money for work done within 7 days.
People will be able to withdraw money after reaching 10$. People will not be able to withdraw money before 10$. People can withdraw money from alertpay and moneybookers. So, while withdrawing the money people will have to submit alertpay and moneybookers address.
Before withdrawing the money from microworkers people must have to check the account section of microworkers by clicking on the account button available on the site. There people have to submit correct address because microworkers will send pin to your home address through letter. So, people must submit correct address because people can’t withdraw money from microworkers without pin number. So, people will have to submit their postal address to get the pin. Don’t be confuse microworkes will never send your pin to your e-mail address. After submitting correct address people will get their pin number within 21days and people will have to enter the pin number on the microworkers site which asked on the withdraw section. People will have to click on withdraw button on the site and have to submit the pin number on the site. After submitting correct pin number only people will be able to withdraw money from microworkers.
People have to submit the pin if they are the new user of microworkers or people have requested payment for the first time. Once the correct pin is submitted to the site then people will never have to submit pin again and again.
microworkers also another sites earn-money....ঘরে বসেই প্রতিদিন হাফ ইউরো ইনকাম করুন। (১০০% নিশ্চয়তা)।
ReplyDeleteপ্রযুক্তির এই যুগে Social site যেমনঃ Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn ইত্যাদি নানান ধরনের সামাজিক যোগাযোগের Website এর সাথে আমরা সবাই কম বেশি জড়িত। আপনি যদি ইচ্ছা করেন তাহলে Social site থেকেই Earn করতে পারবেন।
এর আগেও অনেকে এই ব্যাপারে টিউন করেছে। আমার টিউন করার উদ্দেশ্য হল যারা এই সাইট টাকে ভুয়া মনে করেছেন তাদের ভুল ভাঙ্গানোর জন্য। আমি নিজেও এইটাকে ভুয়া মনে করে আসতাম। কিন্তু, অনেক ভেবে চিন্তে আমি দুইটা Account করলাম। তারপর এই Account থেকে কিছু Earn করে আমার দুইটা YouTube এর ভিডিও Visitor বাড়ানোর জন্য সেই Website এ আমার Account এ YouTube অপশনে গিয়ে Video link add করে দিলাম। পরের দিন দেখলাম আমার Visitor বেড়ে গেছে।
তারপর থেকে শুরু হল আমার Fanslave ছোট-খাট ইনকাম।